Poker Client - Custom Table Layout - FAQ & Summary

What are Custom Table Layouts?

Custom Table Layouts allow you to save a specific number of tables in a preferred layout and rearrange them into that layout with a single click. This is ideal for players who like tables in certain screen positions.

How many Custom Table Layouts can I save?

You can save up to 4 Custom Table Layouts on your device.

How many tables can I display on my screen?

This depends on the resolution of your device. The more pixels it has, the more tables can be displayed without overlapping them.

To test how many tables your device can display in this manner, we suggest opening the maximum number of tables (20) and using the 'tile table' function. This will show the maximum number your monitor can display without overlapping,

What happens to my Custom Table Layouts if my screen resolution changes?

Custom Table Layouts are saved locally on a device. Should you change your monitor, you may need to reset your custom layouts to work optimally with your new display. This is quick and easy to do. You can set your tables in the desired position and use the Custom Table Layout process to save a new layout for your new display.

Will my Custom Table Layouts be available across multiple devices?

No. Custom Table Layouts are saved locally on devices. You must create individual layouts if you use multiple devices, e.g. Desktop PC & Laptop.

Can I use Custom Table Layouts on a Tablet or Mobile?

Custom Table Layouts are unavailable for tablet & mobile devices, only for PC/Mac.

Tablets & Mobiles currently use the GGPoker mobile app, allowing a maximum of 4 tables to be played simultaneously.

Are custom layouts interchangeable between Windows and Mac devices?

No. Custom Table Layouts are saved locally on devices. You must create individual layouts if you are using multiple devices, e.g. Desktop PC & Laptop.

Can I choose where any new tables I open whilst using a Custom Table Layout are displayed?

If you are using a Custom Table Layout, new tables that open will not become part of this layout and will need to be placed independently.

For Example:

If your Custom Table Layout is for six tables and you open a 7th table, this will then need to be placed alongside your custom layout, or you can create a new 7-table layout for future use.

If I have fewer tables open than my Custom Table Layout is for, can I still use it to position these tables?

Custom Table Layouts will only work when the correct number of tables are open.

For Example:

If your Custom Table Layout is for six tables and you only have three open, selecting the Custom Table layout will not rearrange them. You can use the 'Tile Tables' feature or create a new Custom Table Layout for three tables.

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